



The NephCure Foundation is Now NephCure Kidney International



The NephCure Foundation is Now NephCure Kidney International

New Name, Same Dedication to a Cure for FSGS and the diseases that cause Nephrotic Syndrome

“We are here to create help for today and hope for tomorrow for thousands of Nephrotic Syndrome and FSGS. It is our mission to accelerate research toward better treatments and a cure for these diseases. We will advance this mission as NephCure Kidney International , a catalyzer, convener, and collaborator of and with the best research minds in glomerular disease, as we look to a future without suffering from these diseases,” said NephCure Kidney International (NKI) CEO Mark Stone.

NKI continues to be the sole organization focused on funding research and finding a cure for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and the diseases that cause Nephrotic Syndrome (NS). Each year, more than 8,000 people are diagnosed with NS, and in the US alone more than 26 million Americans suffer from some form of kidney disease.

“Our dedication and commitment to helping patients through accelerating research is as firm as ever, and we trust this commitment is reflected in our new name,” said Marilyn Hailperin, NKI Director of Research.

Since its inception, NephCure has contributed more than $13 million dollars toward FSGS and NS research.

Look for NephCure’s new brand rollout 9:30 Friday, August 15, 2014 when NKI rings the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Learn more about NKI at


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