



Joshua M. Tarnoff

Chief Executive Officer

Josh Tarnoff joined NephCure as CEO in early 2018, fulfilling a long-held desire to more closely serve the rare disease patient community. He spent 34 years ein the pharmaceutical and biotechnology community, moving new therapies closer to reality. Josh led a few companies in the latter half of his career including a clinical phase company studying nephrotic syndrome. He now enjoys his time engaging with various rare kidney disease stakeholders including patient organizations, clincians, regulators, researchers, and industry sponsors on key porgrams to help advance cures for rare kidney diseases.

Personal connections with NephCure families fuels his passion to achieve NephCure’s high-impact driven goals, and he always appreciates directly speaking with our community. Josh also has personal insights into chronic renal disease as he was once a patient, likely a result of a snake bite. He lives in Pennsylvania, where he enjoys backpacking — while also trying to avoid further contact with venomous snakes.

King of Prussia, PA

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