



Nephrotic Syndrome

Sawyer R.


Sawyer’s journey began at the tender age of 4, marked by distressing symptoms that initially led to a diagnosis of constipation. However, a persistent feeling urged her family to delve deeper into her health concerns.

A pivotal moment came when Sawyer’s body began to swell, prompting urgent action and a trip to the local military hospital ER. In the wee hours of the morning, the diagnosis was confirmed: nephrotic syndrome. Suddenly, an article glimpsed online became a roadmap for their journey, a journey filled with uncertainty and determination.

Through every trial and triumph, they’ve emerged stronger, united in their fight against nephrotic syndrome.

Treatment commenced swiftly with prednisone, alleviating much of Sawyer’s swelling but bringing its own set of challenges, including drastic weight fluctuations. Despite efforts, Sawyer faced relentless relapses, testing the resilience of her family.

Even amid deployments and distance, their determination never waned. Infusion therapies and medication trials became part of their routine, each decision made with unwavering hope for Sawyer’s recovery.

Finally, in October, a breakthrough arrived with Cellcept, leading Sawyer into remission.

As Sawyer nears the end of kindergarten, her journey stands as a testament to the resilience of childhood and the unwavering determination of her family. Through every trial and triumph, they’ve emerged stronger, united in their fight against nephrotic syndrome.

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Related Resources


Newly Diagnosed Parents – Nephrotic Syndrome 101

Educational Materials

Nephrotic Syndrome Learning Experiment

Informational Documents

Patient Empowerment Flyer

Informational Documents

Understanding Primary Nephrotic Syndrome


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