



NephCure Advocacy Efforts Yield Unprecedented Support for New Era Act 

NephCure’s advocates have achieved a significant victory this summer, more than tripling the number of cosponsors for the New Era Act (H.R. 6790). Before NephCure’s Rare Kidneys On The Hill Day event on July 24, the New Era Act had the support of 10 members of Congress—an encouraging start, but a push was needed to gain real traction. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of our advocacy community, that number has now surged to 37 co-sponsors for the New Era Act as of October 1st, 2024.

This unprecedented increase is a direct result of the dedication of NephCure advocates, who spent the summer contacting and engaging their congressional representatives, sharing their personal stories, discussing the The New Era Act’s impact, and explaining the urgent need for action. From phone calls to emails and face-to-face meetings, these advocates mobilized to make sure their voices — and the needs of the rare kidney disease community — were heard.

Their work demonstrates the profound impact that collective action can have in advancing critical legislation. The New Era Act, which aims to transform the treatment and prevention of end-stage kidney disease, now has the widespread support it needs to move forward, thanks to the persistent and passionate efforts of our community.

While this progress is a major milestone, there is still much work ahead. NephCure remains committed to pushing for the passage of the New Era Act and ensuring that patients with rare kidney diseases receive the attention, care, and support they deserve. 

NephCure is deeply grateful to every advocate who helped make this possible and looks forward to continuing this fight together. Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay updated as we move closer to making this life-changing legislation a reality!

To see the full list of the most up to date New Era Act co-sponsors, click here.

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