



Silent” but Serious: Understanding IgA Nephropathy 

IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a rare kidney disease that causes inflammation in the kidney’s filtering units, which can result in kidney damage and may lead to kidney failure. For the first time ever, there are approved treatment options that may help preserve your kidney function and prevent the need for dialysis and transplant. 

The time to be proactive is now, NephCure is here to provide the tools and resources you need to take charge of your health.   

download the igan handbook

The IgAN Journey Can be a Difficult One 

Hear the compelling stories of four IgA Nephropathy patients from various backgrounds and lifestyles who have navigated the challenges of this condition.

Their experiences highlight the resilience, difficulties, and triumphs that come with managing a rare kidney disease.

Through their voices, we gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live with IgAN, and the importance of awareness, support, and research in improving the lives of those affected.

About IgA Nephropathy:

IgAN, sometimes called IgA kidney disease or Berger’s disease, often lurks silently in its early stages, potentially going undetected for years due to a lack of symptoms. IgAN can affect men and woman of any age, but most people are diagnosed as young and middle-aged adults. Up to 40% of people living with IgAN show no recognizable symptoms at initial diagnosis. This stealthy disease can advance unnoticed for years, quietly damaging kidneys. 

Despite its slow progression, there is a growing urgency to treat IgAN, as recent research reveals that even patients with lower levels of protein in their urine (proteinuria) are at risk of progressing to end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Many patients with IgAN experience a delay in diagnosis because their symptoms or diagnostic tests are not taken seriously. If you are experiencing symptoms, such as proteinuria, be sure that your doctor is actively addressing them. Watching and waiting without treatment can lead to irreversible kidney damage. 

Learn more

Signs and Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy: 

Blood in the urine (hematuria) 

Protein in the urine (proteinuria), which can be foamy

Dark or “cola” colored urine after a viral infection (cold, respiratory illness, sore throat) 

High blood pressure 

Swelling in the face, eyes, and lower extremities 

High cholesterol 


Joint pain or pain in and around the kidneys 

Signs and Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy: 

Swelling in the face, eyes, and lower extremities 

Blood in the urine (hematuria) 

Dark or ‘cola’ colored urine after a viral infection (cold, respiratory illness, sore throat)  

Protein in the urine (proteinuria), which can be foamy


Joint pain or pain in and around the kidneys

High cholesterol 

Weight gain due to extra fluid building up in the body

High blood pressure

Signs and Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy: 

Blood in the urine (hematuria) 

Protein in the urine (proteinuria), which can be foamy

Dark or “cola” colored urine after a viral infection (cold, respiratory illness, sore throat) 

High blood pressure 

Swelling in the face, eyes, and lower extremities 

High cholesterol 


Joint pain or pain in and around the kidneys 

Take Charge of Your Health and Act Now

While there is no cure for IgAN, for the first time, there are multiple FDA-approved treatment options to specifically treat IgAN. Starting these treatments as early on in your diagnosis as possible can help preserve your kidney function. Take charge of your health and act now—recent advancements in research and drug development offer new opportunities that can help you stop disease progression! 

More Patient Stories


IgAN Patient Empowerment | Jennifer Reil’s Story


IgAN Patient Empowerment | Tony Pisa’s Story


IgAN Patient Empowerment | Sean Converse’s Story


IgAN Patient Empowerment | Elle Lee’s Story

IgAN Awareness Day Town Hall 

Join us on IgAN Awareness Day, September 26, 2024 at 7:30 pm EDT for an insightful and empowering virtual town hall dedicated to IgAN Awareness Day, as we spread awareness about IgA Nephropathy, share heartfelt patient testimonials, and provide valuable resources about a newly launched IgAN Patient Assistance Program.

Register now

Clinical Trials are Another
Treatment Option

There are more clinical trials currently underway for IgAN than for any other rare kidney disease. Recent progress and advancements have paved the way for more targeted treatments.  
By participating in clinical trials, you not only gain access to cutting-edge treatment & expert care, but you are participating in a potential medical breakthrough that could help many more people in the future.  

explore igan clinical trials

It’s Important to Talk to Your Doctor

Open communication will help you and your doctor make informed decisions together, ensuring you understand your options— including medications and clinical trial options. Prepare notes and consider asking the following questions to make the most of your appointment. 

View questions to ask your doctor

Your Essential Guide to Navigating IgA Nephropathy

Empower yourself with NephCure’s comprehensive IgAN Patient Handbook—a must-have resource for anyone diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy. This multi-page guide is designed to help you understand every aspect of your journey, from diagnosis to treatment options, lifestyle tips, and crucial questions to ask your doctor. 

Don’t miss out on this valuable tool that can make all the difference in managing your rare kidney disease. Simply fill out the form to download your free copy and take the first step toward taking control of your health today! 

Get Your Free Handbook
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Your Essential Guide to Navigating IgA Nephropathy

Empower yourself with NephCure’s comprehensive IgAN Patient Handbook—a must-have resource for anyone diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy. This multi-page guide is designed to help you understand every aspect of your journey, from diagnosis to treatment options, lifestyle tips, and crucial questions to ask your doctor. 

Don’t miss out on this valuable tool that can make all the difference in managing your rare kidney disease. Simply fill out the form to download your free copy and take the first step toward taking control of your health today! 

Get Your Free Handbook

Related Resources

Informational Documents

Talk to Your Doctor About Your Kidney Health: IgAN


Fireside Chat with NORD on the IgAN Patient Assistance Program

Educational Materials

Finding the Right Doctor

Fact Sheet

IgA Nephropathy (IgAN)


Thank You to Our 2024 IgAN Empowerment Sponsors

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