NephCure’s Rare Kidneys on the Hill Day offers a platform for advocates impacted by rare kidney disease (RKD) to raise awareness and engage with Congress. Join patients, caregivers, physicians, and researchers at this impactful event. We handle your Congress meetings’ scheduling and preparation; all you need to bring is your personal story.
The Rally Dinner on July 23rd kicks off the event for networking with fellow advocates from around the country, followed by Capitol Hill meetings on July 24th. Attendees must participate in the Know Before You Go training webinar on July 8th or July 9th. This webinar includes an overview of the event schedule and logistics, a civics refresh, a review of suggested policy asks, guidance on how to connect your story to policy asks, and tips on how to amplify your advocacy using social media.
Registration is free, and travel scholarships are available by application. No prior advocacy experience required.
Learn more about this event by clicking here.