Rebecca Oag
I found out that I had kidney disease when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was officially diagnosed with FSGS through biopsy after she was born. I’m stage one, which is a blessing since I have been unable to get into remission. I’ve tried all of the treatments out there that they throw at this disease and unfortunately none have worked yet.
I got involved with NephCure immediately to build a network, learn, and help work towards a cure by getting involved in research studies, surveys, and clinical trials. I’m willing to try anything to help find a cure! I’m a lucky one that I still feel good and have no day-to-day side effects. I’m hoping and praying I maintain this for many years to come so I can continue to enjoy my two young kids, husband, and dog, and be active in their lives.
Be your own advocate! Do your research and get involved so you are educated about the options and prepared to fight for what you think is right for your body (or your child’s) and your disease. Find a network of people who share this disease — no one can understand what we go through unless they are living it too. It helps to have support.
Marshfield, MA