



NephCure Specialists

NephCure is a research focused, patient advocacy group with the mission of expediting treatments for Glomerular Diseases. It has been recognized that there is a significant connection between a patient’s timely and effective care and their resulting prognosis. This realization inspired us to launch our NephCure Specialists program.

The goal of this initiative is to provide patients with earlier access to those clinicians who are specialists in and routinely treat Glomerular Diseases.

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We need your help to identify NephCure Specialists.

As you know, patients receiving expert care early on in their diagnoses with Glomerular Disease are more likely to access a broader array of appropriate treatments (including clinical trials) and experience better outcomes. Conversely, patients who experience a delay in finding expert care are at risk for irreversible kidney and podocyte damage.

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Nominate a NephCure Specialist

Please accept this invitation to nominate one or more ‘specialist’ pediatric and/or adult nephrologists for this special recognition. As you consider qualified individuals, please note that we are evaluating candidates who exhibit excellence in clinical care as opposed to scientific achievement. Please accept this invitation to nominate one or more ‘specialist’ pediatric and/or adult nephrologist for this special recognition. Those who choose to participate are encouraged to nominate more than one person but must complete one form per nominee. Additionally, self-nominations are welcomed. 

Nominate a Specialist

This list is an invaluable resource for patients and their loved ones impacted by Glomerular Disease. Your participation will help families find a comprehensive list of specialists in diverse care settings and various geographic regions. 

Nephcure specialists
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Current Partnerships

Building a better world for everyone affected by rare kidney disease takes help along the way. Our corporate partners play a critical part in powering our mission, helping fuel the revolution in research and care.


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